Translations for Canadian Immigration

Translations for Canadian Immigration

If you need translations for Canadian immigration purposes, it’s important to be aware of the Canadian immigration department (IRCC) requirements for translated documents. Any documents that are not in English or French must be translated by a certified translator before they can be submitted as part of your immigration application.

To avoid any delays in your application, make sure that you use a qualified and experienced translator who can provide you with a certified translation of your documents. With so much riding on the quality of your translation, it’s worth taking the time to find a reputable translator who can ensure that your documents are translated correctly and meet all IRCC requirements to avoid rejection or having to start your application all over again.

Certified translators in Canada

If you are already in Canada, it is a much simpler process since you can hire virtually any certified translator in the area.

For a list of Canadian Certified Translators, click here.

IRCC Translation Requirements for translations outside of Canada

  • It must be a word-for-word translation of the original document. An abstract or summary translation will not be accepted.
  • It must be prepared from the original document or a photocopy of the original document.
  • It must include a notarized affidavit from the translator.
  • It must include the translator’s signature.

For a more detailed list of requirements, click here.


Translator Affidavit

If you’re starting your immigration process outside of Canada, your local translator must submit a notarized affidavit attesting to their competence. A translator affidavit looks something like this:

I, (translator’s name), of (translator’s city), do


  • I am fluent in the English and the (source language) languages.
  • I have prepared a translation from (source language) into English of the (translated document) of (applicant’s name) of which a certified copy of the original is attached hereto.
  • The attached document is, in all respects, a true and correct translation from (source language) into English.

I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath.


Hiring a professional translator for your IRCC documents ensures peace of mind that your application will not be delayed due to a rejected translation.

To place an order or get a quote for your Canadian Immigration Translations, click here.



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